Kazakhstan’s way – 2050 слайд,презентация


Kazakhstan’s way – 2050 слайд,презентация


Kazakhstan’s way


Kazakhstan’s main goal will always be to prevent poverty growth. The State will bear full responsibility for targeted support of socially vulnerable groups: retirees, disabled, ill children and others. By expanding the list of individual needs with the inclusion of education and healthcare items (including for the unemployed and disabled for their better socialization), healthy nutrition and healthy lifestyle, meeting intellectual and information needs.
It is important to remember that Kazakhstan is a multiethnic society and there should be no double standards when it come to interethnic relations. All citizens should be equal in the eyes of the State, and no one should be discriminated against on the basis of ethnicity or other features. College enrollment, employment or career promotion should never be influenced by someone’s ethnicity.
It is important to remember that Kazakhstan is a multiethnic society and there should be no double standards when it come to interethnic relations. All citizens should be equal in the eyes of the State, and no one should be discriminated against on the basis of ethnicity or other features. College enrollment, employment or career promotion should never be influenced by someone’s ethnicity.
Kazakhstan’s next phase of industrialization aims to redouble its efforts toward technological gains. As a result of these efforts, the share of non-energy exports must double by 2025, and triple by 2040. These innovations will be fueled by the development of Kazakhstan’s two leading innovation clusters – Nazarbayev University and the Park of Innovation Technologies.
In regards to promoting national interests, strengthening regional security by all means is critical to Kazakhstan’s continued prosperity. The government needs to diversify its foreign policy and develop economic and trade diplomacy to protect and promote national economic and trade interests.
In regards to agriculture and water needs, Kazakhstan must increase crop yield and Introduce advanced extraction technology and prudent use of underground water reserves that are abundant.


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