In the kitchen

День: Предмет:кәсіптік шетел тілі Курс: 1 Группа: Тема урока In the kitchen.National food and traditions Цели обучения to teach to describe the kitchen,to present the names of national food Ожидаемый результат
  • Students will be able to describe the kitchen,to use the names of national food
  • Источники Ю.Голицынский«Spoken English« Модули to use new approaches of teaching Методы «Hot chair«, «Matching«, «Find the place« Развитие ценностей to develop skills of listening,speaking,giving his opinion,listening to others’ opinions,working in groups Межпредметная связь Russian,kazakh Ход урока Ход урока Время Действие учителя Действия студентов Ресурсы Организационный этап GreetingIntroducing of the new theme GreetingReport of the duties Закрепление пройденного материала Checks up the home taskWorking with the vocabulary. «Hot chair« Asks and answers the questions on vocabulary Новая тема Presentation of the new words and word combinations concerning the themeWorking with the topic «In the kitchen« Find out the meaning of the new words

    Read and discuss the text in groups



    Printed texts


    Listen to the song

    Практическая работа: Working with the text «National food» Gives a task
  • Read and translate the text in groups and prepare a poster
  • Poster «Matching»

    «Find the place«

    Gives an instruction

    Gives a task

  • Match the pictures and names
  • Find the right place of each object using the prepositions

    PPT Обратная связь Fill in the chart stickers Оценивание Self assessment Домашнее задание To learn new words and make up sentences