Ашық сабақ «What we value» 5 сынып


Ұстаз тілегі сайтында материал жариялап тегін сертификат, алғыс хат және құрмет грамотасын алуға болады. Ол үшін сайтқа тіркеліп материал жариялау керек. Сайт бойынша барлық сұрақтарды 8-778-389-9292 номеріне ватсап арқылы қоюға болады

Ашық сабақ «What we value» 5 сынып

Автор: Жамц Хазираш

Бағыты: Шет тілі Бөлімі: Ашық сабақ Сыныбы: 5 сынып

Жарияланған уақыты: 2018-12-27

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік

Бұл сбақ жоспары. Жаңартылған бағдарлама бойынша өткізілген сабақ. Менің ойымша бұл сабақ жоспары барлық жаңартылған білім беретін ұстаздарға көмек. Осы сабақты түзгенде жаңартылған бағдарламаның барлық элементтерін көрсетуді жөн деп шештім. Жаңартылған бағдарламадағы белсенді оқыту,сарамандау, формативті бағалау әдістері пайдаланылды.

Unit of a long term plan: Value School: Secondary school 14
Date: 21.11.18 Teacher name: Zhamts Khazirash
CLASS: 5 Number present: absent:
Lesson title What we value?
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme) 5.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings 5.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people
Level of thinking skills Understanding, Analysis
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to: Read and understand new words -Describe their family and friendsTalking about actions they valueMost of the learners will be able to: describe people using have gotcomplete the sentences Some of the learners will be able to:-Give feedback about their family Answer the questions Write questions and affirmative ,negative sentences
Assessment criteria Talking about valueDescribe people Read, understand and use new vocabulary Make up sentences using new vocabulary
Values links National unity , family, friendship, customs, peace and harmony in our societyMangilik El (Мәңгілік ел)
Previous learning Family and friendship
Planned timing Planned activities Resources
Start3 min Organization momentGreetingDividing in 3 groups Warm up Presenting assessment criteria based assessment on the table on sheets of paper for each group. Teacher show the video about value and may prepare questions.


3 min

10 min

2 min

3 min

5 min

5 min

6 min

Brainstorming.Write on the board “Friendship, Holiday,Family”. Then ask students about Friendship, Holiday,Family You may ask these high level of question to the most able students: How can they be friends?How do they express sympathy and attention to each other?What can you say about “Mangilik El”?

Homework Poster about your family

Funny time


New wordsHelp, Like, Save, Play DecorateDanceCelebrateSing


  • Read and match new words
  • Make sentences
  • Write questions and affirmative, negative sentences
  • Active leaning: Pictionary Race


    Poster, family photosGroup assessment

    Sing a song

    Active board

    Copy books and pens

    Group workSheets of paper, glue

    BlackboardPosters, highlighters

    End3 min Concluding the lessonAssessment and reflactionGiving the hometask
    Additional information
    Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? Cross-curricular linksHistory, Literature
    Differentiated tasks will be given for watching activity at the end they all together can achieve the lesson aim Presenting a criteria – based assessment on the table on sheets of paper for each group. Self assessment and group assessment Do physical exerciseUsing physical exercises and active activities.Safety measurements when they use electronic devices

    Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all the learners achieve the lesson objectives/ learning objectives? If not, why?Did my planned differentiation work well? Did I stick to timings?What changes did I make from my plan and why?

    Lesson and learning objectives worked together very well. Differentiated tasks were essential in an identification of students’ needs and motivation
    All learners achieved the lesson objectives very well.

    Summary evaluationWhat two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?



    What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



    What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

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