Water as a natural resource слайд,презентация — Шет тілі
Water as a natural resource слайд,презентация
Theme: Our World
Aims: 1. To teach pupils new lexis and expressions.
2. To develop pupils’ reading, speaking and writing skills.
3. To educate pupils’ interest in learning English.
Visual aids: Books, CDs.
Structure of the lesson.
I. Orgmoment: a) greeting
b) asking absence of a form
c) check up the pupils’ & copybooks
II. Check up the homework: Ex.4 p20. wb.
1. Warm up. Riddles
Which words are the best answers to the riddles below? Write the words on the lines.
cesspit қазылған шұңқыр
ocean мұхит
chemicals химиялық заттар
pond өткел
clean water таза су
lens жер астындағы көл
salt тұзды
clam құрт-құмырсқа
swimming pool бассейн
1. I am wet. All living things need me. All plants, animals and people will die without me. What am I? ________________
2. I have been under the ground for many, many years. Water for the people is in me. What am I? ________________
3. I am near everyone’s home. Food, water and chemicals are put into me. I am not very big, but I am supposed to do big job. What am I? __________________
4. People like to swim in me. Big boats sail on me, too. I am very pretty. What am I? _________________
5. Wild water birds like to be on me. I am very beautiful. You can walk around me and see many exciting birds, animals and plants. What am I? __________________