The leader of the XXI century презентация

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Бұл ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімдеріне арналған дайын материал.Керемет жасалған.
Magic seven
Шығу Қайту II.Baiga 1.How many letters are there in English? 2.What is the capital of England? 3.The name of the fourth letter 4 Translate this proverb into English “Честность-лучшая политика” 5 The president of the USA 1.What country do we live in? 2. Who is Shokhan Ualikhanov? 3.The head of Great Britain 4.What is the national flag of the USA called? 5.The antonym to the word “clean” 1.National language of our republic? 2. A translation of the word «теңіз» 3.What cant we live without it ? 4.What is the largest city of USA? 5.Where is Disneyland? 1.Which place is the centre of the American film?
2.Who is the 1st US President? 3.What is the tallest building in Washington?
4.How many stripes does the American flag have? 5.The antonym to the word “good”
1.How many regions have in our Republic? 2.When do people in Kazakhstan celebrate the New Year? 3.What is the capital of Russia? 4.Ahmet Yassaui Mausoleum is in……
5.Name the biggest clock in London 1.Many people go there when they need money
2.An important day for of all us which happens once every year 3.Translate this proverb into English “В гостях хорошо,а дома лучше” 4.How many seasons are there in a year ? 5. A translation of the word “Қорап” Қайту Kokpar шығу 10 20 30 10 20 30
10 20 30 қайту When celebrate the Christmas day? What is the symbol of England? қайту Where is Disneyland? қайту When celebrate the Valentine’s day? қайту Which month is the day of independence in Kazakhstan? қайту The head of Great Britain? қайту The kazakh traditional food is….? қайту What is the symbol of Kazakhstan? қайту What is American’s national sport? қайту 1. All is not…that glitters 2. An …a day keeps the doctor away. 3. Lost … is never found again. 4. … is power. 5. Better late than … 6. It is never too … to learn. 7. There is no place like… 8. Actions speak louder than … 9. East or West home is … Қайту 10. Everything is good in its … When is Halloween celebrated? қайту Magic seven 20 30 40 20 30 40 20 30 40 қайту қайту What is the antonym to the word “BIG”? What is the official language of USA? қайту The traditional English drink is … қайту What is the official language of Kazakhstan? қайту Which month Nauryz is celebrated in Kazakhstan? қайту Where is Kazakhstan situated? қайту The biggest clock in the world. қайту қайту Ahmet Yassaui Mausoleum is in …. At what age do people vote in Kazakhstan? Қайту What colour is our flag ? қайту The highest mountain in Kazakhstan қайту 1. some we need and some tea milk 2. tennis you do play? 3. Meat never he eats 4. your favourite what’s snack ? 5. lunch many eat at school children. 6. delicious the is food. 7. you I good wish luck. 8. save must we energy шығу Congratulations :
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