Hot and cold — Ашық сабақтар — Bilim



(D) Teacher demonstrates and drill different weather adjectives:

hot weather, cold weather , rainy weather, cloudy weather, sunny weather, windy weather, snowy weather, like.


Warm -up

Listen to sounds of the weather






(W) Teacher shows weather and animals visuals and elicits weather description from learners using the verb “like”: e.g.

Dog likes cold  weather.

Cat likes  hot  weather.

Duck likes rainy  weather.

Sheep likes cloudy weather.

Cow likes windy  weather.

Chicken likes sunny  weather.

Dog likes snowy  weather.


Teacher gives learners animal picture  and weather picture with the verb like. Learners  should find the sentences using this pictures.

(P) Learners work in pairs.

Ask a questions

Answer. YES or NO. e.g Sheep likes cloudy weather.

Teacher ask a question.

I like sunny weather.

What kind of weather do you like?

Дереккөз: Bilim All