2 сынып сабақ жоспары (ағылшын тілі пәні)

Құрметті ұстаз тілегі сайтының қолданушылары. 05-06.02.2019ж. аралығында сайтта жөндеу жұмыстары жүреді. Сондықтан осы уақыт аралығында сайтта кейбір беттер дұрыс көрінбеуі мүмкін. Сайт бойынша барлық сұрақтарды 8-771-234-5599 номеріне ватсап арқылы қоюға болады
Бағыты: Шет тілі Бөлімі: Сабақ жоспары Сыныбы: 2 сынып
Lesson 1-2
Тема: Welcome! The Adventure Car
Цель: To revise language from Primary Colors
Организационный момент (10 минут)
Teacher: Hello. (encourage children say Hello.Pupils say hello each other. Introduce the book asking them to look it through.) Посмотрите на учебники и скажите какие картинки понравились вам. Найдите конкретные вещи, например, картину шаттла то, что они могут сделать, где они могут узнать информацию месяцев о гимн и т.д. Найдите информацию о книге. The name of my book is . The writers are .. My book has got .. pages. It has got . songs
Грамматика: can/can’t
It’s got .
They’ve got
Чтение:(5 минут) Ex 1.p 4. If the children have used Primary Colours 1, you could start by asking them what happened in that book. For example Can you remember the names of the children (Jess, Nick, Joanne, Zara, Tom, Ben )
Аудирование:(10 минут) Ex 1 p4. Ex 4 p5. Teacher: Дети закрыли свои книги, а затем послушайте аудиозапись один или два раза. Аsk children questions about what they hear. For example: Where are Su and Leo? (in the park) What is noise? (The Adventure Car). The children can then listen again with their books open.
Игры : Ex3 p5. Play game. This is a short memory task. Дети, посмотрите на картинку 1, на странице 4, в течение10 секунд затем закройте книги. In pairs they take turns to tell each other what Su and Leo have got You can then ask the whole class for their answers and write them on the board. Insist on complete sentences for example They have got
Письмо графика (20 минут). Activity Book Exercises 3.p3. Look at the Adventure Car in Exercise 1. Write numbers. Check with your friend. Посмотрите на Adventure Car в Упражнение 1. Напишите цифры. Проверьте с вашим другом. Match the things to the words in the list. Exercise 2. Look at the Exercise 1. Think Write about Leo and Su
Активный словарь: chorus- хор, computer- компьютер, lots- много, noise-шум, propeller- продольный, rocket- ракеты, roof- крыша, second- второй, start/stop button- начать/остановить кнопку, strange-странно, sunny-солнечный.
T: Our lesson is over. Goodbye!See you later!Ps: Goodbye! See you later!
Домашнее задание : A.B. ex.1-2 p.2
Lesson 3-4
Тема: In the sea
Цель: To revise language from Primary Colours
Грамматика: Is it ?
Can it ?
It eats
there is/ there are
Организационный момент (5 минут) Приветствие.
Hello my dear friends. How are you today? How are you filling today?
Who is on duty today?
What date is it today?
What day is it today?
Who is absent?
Чтение:(10 минут) Ex1 p6. Children, look for the (strange things), you can use the picture to revise the names of the colours. You could write some questions on the board. How many orange fish are there? How many blue fish are there?
Аудирование:(10 минут) Ex4 p7. Listen and read about coral. Check your answers to Exercise 3. Дети, прочитайте текст, я даю вам несколько минут. After you have read through the text with them, ask them to look back at the questions in Exercise 3 and check their answers. Теперь посмотрите на упражнение 3 и проверьте свои ответы
Письмо графика: (20 минут). Activity book Exercises 1,4 pages 4 and 5.
Exercise 1 Complete the puzzle. Find the answer and draw the picture. Exercise 4 Find out. Ask your friends and look in books. Are the sentences true or false?
Активный словарь: arm-рука, coral-коралловый, flying-полет, fish-рыбы, list-список, mouth-рот, octopus-осьминог, plant-завод, sea horse-морской конек, tail-хвост, wing-крыло.
Грамматика: Is it ?
Can it ?
It eats
there is/ there are
T: Our lesson is over. Goodbye!See you later!Ps: Goodbye! See you later!
Домашнее задание : A.B. ex. 2-3 p.4-5
Lesson 5-6
Тема: Octopuses!
Цель: To revise have got and can/ can not
Организационный момент (5 минут)
Teacher (T): Good morning, girls and boys! I’m very glad to see you! Sit down, please. (Показываю жестом, что нужно сесть).How are you today? How are you filling today?
Грамматика: I’ve got
We’ve got
Чтение:(10 минут) Ex1 p8. Children, open the book. If you can remember the story Section A? What is the children names? (Leo and Su) Where are they? (In the Adventure car). This will recycle some of the language and refresh their memory. Listening to the story. You could do this with the children books open or closed, or give them a choice.
Аудирование:(10 минут) Ex3 p9. Sing a song
Chorus I can not kick a ball,
Squiggle squiggle squiggle And I can not ride a bike.
Wiggle wiggle wiggle But I have got two eyes
I am an octo-, octo-, octopus! And I can see you,
I am an octo-, octo-, octopus I can see you!
I can not read a book
I can not write a word
But I have got eight arms,
And I can catch you
I can catch you
Письмо графика (20 минут).Ac.b. Ex1 p6 Think. What’s wrong? Write about the pictures. Стр 6 упр 1. Посмотрите на картинки и составьте предложение. The children have to look carefully at the pictures and decide what’s wrong. They should then write a complete sentence, following the example.
Активный словарь: difference- разница, emergency- аварийный, ring- кольцо, wiggle- покачивание, clever- умный, (over)there- (Более) есть, between- между.
T: Our lesson is over. Goodbye!See you later!Ps: Goodbye! See you later!
Домашнее задание: A.B. ex.2 — 3 p.6 -7
Lesson 7-8
Тема: Adventure in the jungle. Where’s our car?
Цель: To teach the use of the possessive ‘s. To teach the names of some animals. To introduce the present simple.
Организационный момент (5 минут) Ex Teacher (T): Good morning, girls and boys! I’m very glad to see you! Today Su and Leo answer the telephone and told that two people are lost in the jungle. They find the people, but the monkeys steal the Adventure Car! Поможем им найти машину.
Грамматика: Whose is this?
It’s thanks
Чтение (10 минут) Ex 1 p10 Draw a picture or translate jungle. You could then mime snake, spider, tiger, frog, monkey. Write the names on the board. Then say Today, Leo and Su in the jungle. There are lost of dangerous animals. Can you find them?
Аудирование:(10 минут)Ex 4 p11
One little monkey is in my house,
He is always here with me.
He is got a friend,
They want to play.
Now two little monkeys are in my house ..
Письмо графика (20 минут). Ac.b. Ex 1 p8. Look at the picture. Whose things are these? Write about them. It is a good idea to do the exercise orally with the children first before you ask them to write. Check they draw a line to the correct picture. Ex 3 write a sentence for the groups of animals.
Активный словарь: bottle- бутылка, camera-камера, frog- лягушка, home- дом, jungle- джунгли, people- люди, snake-змея, spider-паук, track-трек, way-путь, be careful-будьте осторожны, take-взять, always- всегда , little- немного.
Игры: Ex 2. p11.Play a game. Put some things in a bag. Choose one and ask. See the teaching notes for (Before you begin) above
T: Our lesson is over. Goodbye!See you later!Ps: Goodbye! See you later!
Домашнее задание : A.B. ex.2 p.9
Lesson 9-10
Тема:King Cat’s wonderful world: In the jungle.
Цель: To practice the present simple with they.
Организационный момент (5 минут) Приветствие.
Hello my dear friends. How are you today? How are you filling today?
Who is on duty today?
What date is it today?
What day is it today?
Who is absent?
Грамматика: They eat
They’ve got
They are
Чтение :(10 минут) Ex 1 P. 12 Look at the picture and find the animals. Read through the names of the animals. You can point to the animal and tell where it is. Questions about the picture: What colour is (the frog)? Where is (the spider)? What has (crocodile) got?
Аудирование:(10 минут) Ex 4 p13 Read about crocodiles. Can you complete sentences? Listen and check. This Exercise is a model for Exercise 5.
Письмо графика (20 минут). Ex 2 p12. What animals are they? This is exercise is a preparation for exercise 3. Match the names of the animals to the sentences
Ex 5 p13. Think of another animal. Write about it and draw some picture clues. Cоставьте короткий предложение про любого животного в парах.
Ac.b. Ex 4 p11. Find out about giraffes. Ask your friends and look in books. Write about them.
Активный словарь: clue-подсказка, crocodile-крокодил, insect-насекомое, sun-солнце, teeth-зубы.
Игры: Ex 3 p13 Play a game. Think of an animal. Mime it to the class.
T: Our lesson is over. Goodbye!See you later!Ps: Goodbye! See you later!
Домашнее задание : A.B. ex.1 p.10 A.B. ex.2 p.11 A.B. ex. 3 p.11
Lesson 11-12
Тема: The monkeys
Цель: To teach hasn’t got/ haven’t got
Организационный момент (5 минут) Teacher (T): Good morning, girls and boys! I’m very glad to see you! Sit down, please. (Показываю жестом, что нужно сесть).How are you today? How are you filling today?
Грамматика: We haven’t got
Hasn’t got
They haven’t got
Don’t worry!
Well done!
Чтение(20 минут) Ex 1 p14. Listen and follow. What’s Su’s plan? Children close the book and just listen to the story. Прочитайте текст. How do they get the Adventure Car?
Аудирование:(10 минут) Ex 3 p15. Sing a song.
A fish hasn’t got legs,
It can’t run with me.
But it is got a long body,
It can swim in the sea.
Animals, animals,
In the jungle and the sea
Animals, animals,
Happy to be free .
Письмо графика (10 минут). Ex 1 p12. Think. Why can not these animals do these things? Answer the questions? It is best exercise for the children. Отвечаем на вопросы и пишем ответы в раб. тетрадь
Активный словарь: Disguise leaves- Маскировка листья, plan- план, radio-радио, rope-веревочные, stick-палки, tent-палатки, torch-горелки, push-нажать, wait-подождите.
T: Our lesson is over. Goodbye!See you later!Ps: Goodbye! See you later!
Домашнее задание : A.B. ex.2 p.12 A.B. ex.4 p.13
Lesson 13-14
Тема: The old box
Цель: -To develop the children’s spoken and listening fluency.
-To revise language from Primary Colours.
-To develop the children reading skills.
Организационный момент (5 минут) Teacher (T): Good morning, girls and boys! I’m very glad to see you! Sit down, please. (Показываю жестом, что нужно сесть).How are you today? How are you filling today? What date is it today? What day is it today? Who is absent?
Грамматика: I don’t know.
Чтение(15 минут) P.B. p.17 Read with Alina. Read the text. Then close the book. Say the sentences from the text, but in some make a mistake. The children call out Yes if the sentence is correct and No if it is wrong. For example I like birds. (No! I like animals.)
Аудирование:(10 минут) Ex1 p16. Listen and follow. First look through the pictures. What you can see? For example Look. These two people are in the jungle. They want to find an old city. Where is old city? Says the women. I do not know , says the man.
Письмо графика (15 минут). Ac.b. Ex 2 p14. Can you do this puzzle? Draw a line to the picture. Read the descriptions and then draw a line to the correct animal. Ac.b. Ex 4 p15 Look at Paula photos! What are they? Look at the photos and say what they show.
Активный словарь: box-коробка, city-город, volcano-вулкан, deer-олени, squirrel-белки, wolf-волк, wolves-волки, understand.- понять, old- старый, sure-уверен, tired-устал,
T: Our lesson is over. Goodbye!See you later!Ps: Goodbye! See you later!
Домашнее задание : A.B. ex.1 p.14 A.B. ex.3 p.15
2 четверть
Lesson 19-20
Тема: Unit2 Adventure in the mountains. Be quite!
Цель: -To teach the use of the 3rd person present simple.
Организационный момент (5 минут) Teacher (T): Good morning, girls and boys! I’m very glad to see you! Sit down, please. (Показываю жестом, что нужно сесть).How are you today? How are you filling today? What date is it today? What day is it today? Who is absent?
Грамматика: She lives in/on
She goes
Чтение(15 минут) P.B. p.18 Ex1. You could write the word mountains on the board and ask the children if they know what it means. Draw a picture or explain the meaning. You can then ask them to tell you about the mountains. What is there in the mountains? Is it hot or cold? What can you do in the mountains? The children can have their books open or closed. Here, it is probably best to play the recording all the way through as the events reach a climax. You could then play the story again and ask check questions to encourage the children to use the 3rd person present simple. Divide the class into two groups of six to read the story aloud together. Then put prompts on the board and see if the children in the story say. Then ask some children to act out the story. You could provide different locations for Sus house and Sallys farm in the mountains, as well as four chairs for the adventure car. Give Sus books, if possible about mountains.
Ex2. Get the children to look carefully at the pictures in pairs and to decide when Sally does each action. You can check their answers and encourage them to produce the correct form of the verb by asking question. You could play a game in which you mime an actions that Sally does. The children then have to say what the actions, for example, she counts the cows. If there are significant differences between summer and winter where you live, you could ask the children how winter is different from summer. Get individual children to say what they can do in the summer that they cant do in the winter, and what they can do in the winter that they can’t do in the summer. When you have collected some ideas. Similarly you coiuld provide more practice of the 3rd person present simple if you ask the children about the differences between what they can do in the morning and in the evening.
Аудирование:(10 минут) p.18 Ex1. You could write the word mountains on the board and ask the children if they know what it means. Draw a picture or explain the meaning. You can then ask them to tell you about the mountains. What is there in the mountains? Is it hot or cold? What can you do in the mountains? The children can have their books open or closed. Here, it is probably best to play the recording all the way through as the events reach a climax. You could then play the story again and ask check questions to encourage the children to use the 3rd person present simple. Divide the class into two groups of six to read the story aloud together. Then put prompts on the board and see if the children in the story say. Then ask some children to act out the story. You could provide different locations for Sus house and Sallys farm in the mountains, as well as four chairs for the adventure car. Give Sus books, if possible about mountains.
Ex3. The children can mime the actions for skiing, going up and down and pedaling.
Письмо графика (15 минут). Activity Book.P18 Ex1.When they have completed the puzzle the children should draw a picture of a mountain in the frame.
Активный словарь: Nouns: avalanche, circle, egg, farm, goat, mountain, ski, snow, summer, winter, year. Verbs: collect, feed. Adjectives: enormous, far, quiet!
T: Our lesson is over. Goodbye!See you later!Ps: Goodbye! See you later!
Домашнее задание : A.B. ex.2 p.18 A.B. ex.3 p.19
Lesson 21-22
Тема: In the mountains
Цель: -To practise the 3rd person present simple.
Организационный момент (5 минут) Teacher (T): Good morning, girls and boys! I’m very glad to see you! Sit down, please. (Показываю жестом, что нужно сесть).How are you today? How are you filling today? What date is it today? What day is it today? Who is absent?
Грамматика: (Present Simple)
She goes
She likes
He climbs
Чтение(15 минут) P.B. p.20 Ex1. Read through the sentences with the children and ask for suggestions about where they can do each activity. You could mime each actions and the children can say what it is.
Ex2. The children need to follow the lines from each person to find out what sports they do. They can do this in pairs. As you go through the answers ask for one activity for each person, so that you have a natural context for the 3rd person present simple. The children could then write some sentences about one of the people.
Ex3. Look at the picture of the avalanche briefly with the children and then ask them to close their books. You can then write the five sentences on the board. In pairs, the children decide if the sentences are true or false and why. you could then discuss their ideas with them before they read the text in Exercise 4.
Ex4. To check their answers the children can now read the text silently or you can read the text aloud to them. As Why? for each answer. You could give the children copies of the text cut up into complete sentences. The children can then try to put the text together.
Аудирование:(10 минут) p.21 Ex5. You could first ask the children to listen with their books closed, to see if they can remember the details of the printed text.
Письмо графика (15 минут). Activity Book.P20 Ex1. Children draw a line matching the words to the correct pictures.
Ex2. Before you ask the children to do this exercise, you could revise the spelling of numbers up to twenty.
Активный словарь: Nouns: explosive, helicopter, rescue team, sport, wind. Verbs: build, camp, compare, go for a walk, happen, plant, ski, use. Adverbs: also, only, sometimes. Conjunction: because
T: Our lesson is over. Goodbye!See you later!Ps: Goodbye! See you later!
Домашнее задание : A.B. ex.3 p.21 A.B. ex.4 p.21
Lesson 23-24
Тема: Fire and water
Цель: -To present and practice the use of don’t
Организационный момент (5 минут) Teacher (T): Good morning, girls and boys! I’m very glad to see you! Sit down, please. (Показываю жестом, что нужно сесть).How are you today? How are you filling today? What date is it today? What day is it today? Who is absent?
Грамматика: I /people/ we don’t
Чтение(15 минут) P.B. p.23 Ex2. This exercise practices don’t and introduces some extra vocabulary. You’ll need to explain the exercise carefully to the children. Give them a list of things to take and ask them if they can take all those things. They will need to add up the total weight. Then ask if some important things are missing and if there are some unimportant things. Ask them what they dont want to take, what they want to take and why. Encourage them to give complete answers. Divide the class into pairs, to work out their own packing list. You could go around the class and encourage them to speak in English, but this may be difficult. Instead when you go through their answers you can get them to say exactly what they don’t want to take, what they want to take and why.
Аудирование:(10 минут) p.22 Ex1. You could ask the children to close their books and just listen to the story. After you have played the recording through once ask them what they think happens. Ask them how the adventure car helps. You could teach melt. Play the recording again, this time with the childrens books open. They can now see if they are correct. Before you ask the children to act out the conversation, put some prompts on the board. You can then play the recording again and the children can follow the prompts on the board while they listen. Next ask them to say the prompts. Finally you can ask some children to act out the story. You will need six children a narrator, Jim, Paula, Leo, Su and sally. You can arrange chairs for the Adventure Car.
Ex3. You could get the children to mime the actions as they sing the song.
Письмо графика (15 минут). Activity Book.P20 Ex1. Children draw a line matching the words to the correct pictures.
Ex2. Before you ask the children to do this exercise, you could revise the spelling of numbers up to twenty.
Активный словарь: Nouns: explosive, helicopter, rescue team, sport, wind. Verbs: build, camp, compare, go for a walk, happen, plant, ski, use. Adverbs: also, only, sometimes. Conjunction: because
T: Our lesson is over. Goodbye!See you later!Ps: Goodbye! See you later!
Домашнее задание : A.B. ex.3 p.21 A.B. ex.4 p.21
Lesson 25-26
Тема: The giant
Цель: -To develop the children’s spoken and listening fluency
-To revise language presented in earlier units
-To develop the children’s reading skills
Организационный момент (5 минут) Teacher (T): Good morning, girls and boys! I’m very glad to see you! Sit down, please. (Показываю жестом, что нужно сесть).How are you today? How are you filling today? What date is it today? What day is it today? Who is absent?
Грамматика: I don’t like
There isn’t
There are not
Чтение(15 минут) P.B. p.25 Ex2. The children could make a puppet. To act out the story the puppets are the boy and girl and the giant is one of the children in your class. The giant puts his/her head on his/her arms, asleep and the puppets can lie down and sleep on the rocks.
Ex3. Begin by asking the children about mountains in Kazakhstan. Maybe the children live in a mountains area. If not, ask them if they have been to the mountains. Read the text with the class. Then tell them to close their books. Say sentences from the text, but in some make a mistake. The children call out Yes if the sentence is correct and No if it is wrong. For example: Khan Tengri is in the Altai mountains. Some Kazakhstan people have tigers and crocodiles. Alternatively the children can do this in pairs, taking it in turns to say wrong sentences to their partner. To finish ask the whole class to read through the text together pointing at the words as they read.
Аудирование:(10 минут) p.24 Ex1. You could first look through the pictures with the children and ask them what they can see. Then tell the children the story. Point to the pictures and add more details. The children can now follow the story in their books. They can then read it aloud in pairs, as a preparation for acting out.
Письмо графика (15 минут). Activity Book.P24 Ex1. The Activity Book contains three adventure stories, all similar to this one. These are story trails in which the children are in the story. They make decisions about what they have to do to achieve a goal successfully. In order to do this, the children first have to complete the text following the picture clues. The aims are there fore to revise vocabulary, to increase reading fluency and enjoyment.
Активный словарь: Nouns: giant, rock, race, sheep. Verbs: wake up. Adjectives: delicious, hungry, true, Kazakhstan. Pronouns: a few. Determiner: many.
T: Our lesson is over. Good bye! See you later!Ps: Goodbye! See you later!
Домашнее задание : A.B. ex.3 p.21 A.B. ex.4 p.21
Lesson 27.
Тема: Let’s go
Цель: -To teach the use of the 3rd person present simple negative.
Организационный момент (5 минут) Teacher (T): Good morning, girls and boys! I’m very glad to see you! Sit down, please. (Показываю жестом, что нужно сесть).How are you today? How are you filling today? What date is it today? What day is it today? Who is absent?
Грамматика: I’m bored.
It’s interesting.
I don’t want to
He/she/it doesn’t
Yes, it does.
Чтение(15 минут) P.B. p.28 Ex2. The sun gives light and heat because it is burning the gas hydrogen into helium. This happens through a nuclear reaction, called stars twinkles because as it passes through the Earths atmosphere it is broken up. In our solar system there are nine planets.
Ex3. To introduce this exercise you can remind the children about what Su, Leo, Paula and Jim like or dont like and do or dont do. You can then ask the children what they dont do or dont like. Write the prompts from the pupils book on the board and encourage the children to say complete sentences. You could then give them a minute or so to make a list of things that they dont do or dont like before they work in pairs. The final stage requires the children to use the 3rd person negative to tell the class about their friend.
Аудирование:(10 минут) p.28 Ex1. The children can have their books open or closed to listen to the story. Then play the story again and ask questions to encourage the use of doesnt. Divede the class into pairs to read the story aloud together. For variety, put some sentences on the board to tell the story. You can then ask the children if they can remember what Leo and Su say. Then ask children to act out the story. Give Leo large book about space.
Ex4. You could divide the class into four large groups. Each group could take it in turns to sing a line from the chorus. The whole class could sing the verses
Письмо графика (15 минут). Activity Book.p26 Ex1. The children will discover that the puzzle spells the moon downwards. Ex2. The children have to choose the correct word to complete the sentence. They then follow the line from the word they have choosen. If the word is correct, the line leads to the next sentence and choice of words. Incorrect answers lead back to the same sentence. The final sentence leads to the rocket.
Активный словарь: Nouns: Earth, garden, light, moon, night, room, something, space, star, table, tennis. Verbs: drink, feel, get, go to bed, reflect, shine. Adjectives: bored, fast, great, interesting, space.
T: Our lesson is over. Good bye! See you later!Ps: Goodbye! See you later!
Домашнее задание : A.B. ex.3 p.27
Lesson 28
Тема: In space
Цель: -To learn the numbers 20-100
-To practise short answers with does/doesn’t
Организационный момент (5 минут) Teacher (T): Good morning, girls and boys! I’m very glad to see you! Sit down, please. (Показываю жестом, что нужно сесть).How are you today? How are you filling today? What date is it today? What day is it today? Who is absent?
Грамматика: numbers 20+
Does ?
Do they ?
Yes, it doesn’t.
No, they don’t
.Чтение(15 минут) P.B. p.30 Ex1. This exercise revises the numbers 1-20. You could go through the numbers first on the board, checking the spelling with the children. You could also check that they pronounce –teen correctly as this makes an important difference in many numbers.
Ex3. The children could put the numbers in order in pairs and then read the list aloud to each other. They could then write some more numbers for another pair to put in the correct order.
Ex5. Look at the pictures of the space shuttle briefly with the children and then ask them to close their books. You can then write the five sentences on the board, together with the possible answers Yes, it does/No, it doesnt and Yes they do/ No they dont. in pairs, the children choose the correct answer. You could then discuss their ideas with them before they read the text in Exercise 6. The space shuttle is lifted into space by three rockers. Soon after blast off, the rockets separate from the shuttle and fall back to Earth, into the sea. The shuttle returns and lands on a runway like a plane. Space shuttles are used for a variety of purposes. They take new satellites into space and repair old satellites. They work in the building and service of the international space station. Many useful experiments are also done in space shuttles.
Ex6. To check their answers, the children can now read the text silently or you can read the text aloud to them. They then listen to the recording. For each answer ask the children to give information from the text. If you have the mother tongue available, you could give them some sentences in the mother tongue which have slightly different information from the English version. The children can then find the differences.
Аудирование:(10 минут) p.31 Ex2. Play the recording and get the children to repeat each number Emphasise once again the –ty endings.
Ex4. If you want the children to have some practice first, you could ask them to choose just one card and to listen to the recording. Listening for two cards is more difficult. Tell the children to shout Bingo when they have crossed off all the numbers on their card.
Письмо графика (15 минут). Activity Book.p28 Ex1. Check, children join up the dots correctly to show a space shuttle.
Ex2. Before they do this exercise, discuss with the children what they can write.
Ex3. The children write the digits for each of the numbers that are in words.
Активный словарь: Nouns: air, astronaut, crater, flag, kilometer, moon, order, packet (space), shuttle. Verbs: come, back, float, wash. Adjectives: difficult, fresh. Possessive: their Pronoun: nothing
T: Our lesson is over. Good bye! See you later!Ps: Goodbye! See you later!
Домашнее задание : A.B. ex.4,5 p.29
Lesson 29-30
Тема: Help!
Цель: -To present and practise the use of possessives
Организационный момент (5 минут) Teacher (T): Good morning, girls and boys! I’m very glad to see you! Sit down, please. (Показываю жестом, что нужно сесть).How are you today? How are you filling today? What date is it today? What day is it today? Who is absent?
Грамматика: Nouns: family, glove, helmet, jacket.
Verbs: go back, work.
Adjectives: famous, late, quick.
.Чтение(15 минут) P.B. p.33 Ex2. This exercise practices the correct use of his, her and their. The children match the things to the people and then talk about the things. They can do this in pairs and then you can go through the exercise with them, getting them to produce a complete sentence for each answer. You can play a game. Collect some objects from some children in the class and place them in a bag. Tie some objects together that come from two people using an elastic band, for example, two pens, two rulers, two pencil cases. You can ask one person to take something out from the bag. They can then point to the relevant person or people and say: This is (name) and thats his/her (object)
Аудирование:(10 минут) p.32 Ex1. As the children will probably want to know what happens next, you could ask them to follow the story in their books and listen. After you have played the recording again you could write some questions on the board. The children could then look at the story in pairs and find answers. The children can first read the story aloud in small groups before you ask some children to act it out. The children can first read the story aloud in small groups before you ask some children to act it out. You will need seven children two moon men. There is quite a lot of text here, so for variety you may like to write out the words for each person on separate cards. The children can then use the cards as they act out the story. Some helmets or hats, something to use as a gun something for the moon men to put on their heads, and chairs for the Adventure Car would be useful. Ex3. Sing and song.
Письмо графика (15 минут). Activity Book.p30 Ex1. The children will need to read the texts carefully and decide which group of clothes belongs to which person. Shoe is a new word here, which you may wish to teach the children before they do the exercise. Ex3. The words are all objects that are in the picture next to the word search.
Активный словарь: Nouns: family, glove, helmet, jacket. Verbs: go back, work. Adjectives: famous, late, quick
T: Our lesson is over. Good bye! See you later!Ps: Goodbye! See you later!
Домашнее задание : A.B. ex.2,4 p.31
3 четверть
Lesson 33-34
Тема: The butterfly
Цель: -To develop the children’s spoken and listening fluency
-To revise language covered in earlier units
-To develop the children’s reading skills.
Организационный момент (5 минут) Teacher (T): Good morning, girls and boys! I’m very glad to see you! Sit down, please. (Показываю жестом, что нужно сесть).How are you today? How are you filling today? What date is it today? What day is it today? Who is absent?
Грамматика: Present Simple do/does
.Чтение(15 минут) P.B. p34 Ex2. The children can make a magic butterfly. To act out the story, balance lots of butterflies around one area of the classroom which is the land.
Ex3. Begin by talking about space. Ask the children what they know about Baikonur Cosmodrome. Read the text with the class. Then tell them to close their books. Say sentences from the text but in some make a mistake. The children call out Yes if the sentence is correct and No if it is wrong. To finish ask the whole class to read through the text together pointing at the words as they read.
Аудирование:(10 минут) p.34 Ex1. You could first look through the pictures with the children and ask them what they can see. You could then tell the children the story. Point at the pictures and add more details. The children can now follow the story in their books. They can then read it aloud in pairs, as a preparation for acting out.
Письмо графика (15 минут). Activity Book.p32 Ex1. You could ask the children why each word is the odd one out.
Ex3. The children look at the information and answer the questions.
Активный словарь: Nouns: butterfly, land. Verbs: control, die, grow. Adjectives: crazy, later, lost
T: Our lesson is over. Good bye! See you later!Ps: Goodbye! See you later!
Домашнее задание : A.B. ex.2,4 p.33
Lesson 37-38
Тема: Unit 4. Adventure in the sky.Let’s find out.
Цель: -To develop the children’s spoken and listening fluency
-To revise language covered in earlier units
-To develop the children’s reading skills.
Организационный момент (5 минут) Teacher (T): Good morning, girls and boys! I’m very glad to see you! Sit down, please. (Показываю жестом, что нужно сесть).How are you today? How are you filling today? What date is it today? What day is it today? Who is absent?
Грамматика: Present Simple do/does
.Чтение(15 минут) P.B. p34 Ex2. The children can make a magic butterfly. To act out the story, balance lots of butterflies around one area of the classroom which is the land.
Ex3. Begin by talking about space. Ask the children what they know about Baikonur Cosmodrome. Read the text with the class. Then tell them to close their books. Say sentences from the text but in some make a mistake. The children call out Yes if the sentence is correct and No if it is wrong. To finish ask the whole class to read through the text together pointing at the words as they read.
Аудирование:(10 минут) p.34 Ex1. You could first look through the pictures with the children and ask them what they can see. You could then tell the children the story. Point at the pictures and add more details. The children can now follow the story in their books. They can then read it aloud in pairs, as a preparation for acting out.
Письмо графика (15 минут). Activity Book.p32 Ex1. You could ask the children why each word is the odd one out.
Ex3. The children look at the information and answer the questions.
Активный словарь: Nouns: butterfly, land. Verbs: control, die, grow. Adjectives: crazy, later, lost
T: Our lesson is over. Good bye! See you later!Ps: Goodbye! See you later!
Домашнее задание : A.B. ex.2,4 p.33
Lesson 39
Тема: In the sky
Цель: -To learn the names of the month
-To practice present simple questions
Организационный момент (5 минут) Teacher (T): Good morning, girls and boys! I’m very glad to see you! Sit down, please. (Показываю жестом, что нужно сесть).How are you today? How are you filling today? What date is it today? What day is it today? Who is absent?
Грамматика: When is ?
Why do ?
.Чтение(15 минут) P.B. p.39 Ex3. The children do this exercise in pairs. You can then ask volunteers for their answers.
Ex4. Read through the questions with the children and then ask them to read silently to find their answers. You could ask them to compare their answers in pairs before you through them.
Ex5. The children can brainstorm some questions with you about each of the animals. As they produce a question, make sure they write it down correctly. They should then try to find the answers outside the class for the next lesson or next week.
Аудирование:(10 минут) p.38 Ex1. Play the recording which simply says the names of the months. The children should point to each month as it is said and repeat the word. To prepare them for Exercise 2, you can then ask them about the order of the months. For example, What month comes after May? What months comes before December? And so on. You could also combine this with revising numbers, for example, What is month six? What is month nine?
Ex2. Play the recording and get the children to say the chant. The chant is circular- when you get to the end you can start again!
Письмо графика (15 минут). Activity Book.p38 Ex1. The names of the months are all in order. The children should colour each name a different colour
Ex3. The children write their answers to the questions..
Активный словарь: Nouns: months, of the year, Africa, beak, birthday, Europe, holiday, month salmon, turtle, whole, world. Adverbs: after, all, over, before.
T: Our lesson is over. Good bye! See you later!Ps: Goodbye! See you later!
Домашнее задание : A.B. ex.2,4 p.39
Lesson 40-41
Тема: Jump.
Цель: -To develop a productive ability with present simple questions.
Организационный момент (5 минут) Teacher (T): Good morning, girls and boys! I’m very glad to see you! Sit down, please. (Показываю жестом, что нужно сесть).How are you today? How are you filling today? What date is it today? What day is it today? Who is absent?
Грамматика: Nouns: family, glove, helmet, jacket.
Verbs: go back, work.
Adjectives: famous, late, quick.
.Чтение(15 минут) P.B. p.37 Ex2. Read through the examples and the table with the children. You can do one or two examples with them first so that they get the idea. Choose an animal and get them to ask you questions. Insist on the correct use of do. The children can now work in pairs to take it in turns to ask each other questions and guess. The children could choose some other animals not in the table. You could play this as a short game. Choose one child to begin. The other children ask him/ her questions. The child who guesses the animal correctly has the next turn. Ask all the children to think of an animal before you start the game so that they don’t spend time choosing an animal when they win.
Аудирование:(10 минут) p.36 Ex1. If you have pictures of some swallows, you could show them to the children. Point out their distinctive tails and ask if they know those birds. The children can have their books open or closed or you can give them a choice. Play the recording twice and then ask the children a few brief questions about the story. Divide the class into small groups to read the story aloud together. Then to help them act it out you could put prompts on the board or give them individual cards with the words. You could also arrange the different locations with a TV or box for Leo’s house and some chairs for the Adventure Car. You could ask some children to make sound effects for the storm.
Письмо графика (15 минут). Activity Book.p36 Ex1. The children compare the two pictures and write about the differences.
Ex3. The questions in Exercise 2 give the children examples of questions that they.
Активный словарь: Nouns: family, glove, helmet, jacket. Verbs: go back, work. Adjectives: famous, late, quick
T: Our lesson is over. Good bye! See you later!Ps: Goodbye! See you later!
Домашнее задание : A.B. ex.2,4 p.37
Lesson 42-43
Тема: A strange animal
Цель: -To develop the children’s spoken and listening fluency
-To revise language covered in earlier units
-To develop the children’s reading skills
Организационный момент (5 минут) Teacher (T): Good morning, girls and boys! I’m very glad to see you! Sit down, please. (Показываю жестом, что нужно сесть).How are you today? How are you filling today? What date is it today? What day is it today? Who is absent?
Грамматика: Let me go!
Чтение(15 минут) P.B. p.43 Ex2. Act out the story. The children can make a voice changer. To act out the story, children could dress up as aliens if you have some clothes available.
Ex3. Read with Alina. Begin by asking the children what they know about eagles. Ask them where eagles live in Kazakhstan. Read the text with the class. Then tell them to close their books. Say sentences from the text, but in some make a mistake. The children call out Yes if the sentence is correct No if it is wrong. Alternatively the children can do this in pairs, taking it in turns to say wrong sentences to their partner. To finish ask the whole class to read through the text together pointing at the words as they read.
Аудирование:(10 минут) p.42 Ex1. Before you ask the children to look at the story, you could draw a flying saucer on the board. Ask them what they think it is and teach them flying saucer. Ask them if they think there are people on other planets. You can then introduce the story by saying. Before playing the recording you could tell the children the story. Point at the pictures and add more details. The children can now follow the story in their books. They can then read it aloud in pairs as a preparation for acting out.
Письмо графика (15 минут). Activity Book.p42 Ex1. See the teaching notes for activity book section 2d, a mountain adventure, on Teacher’s Book page 23. In this story the children are in a plane. Suddenly they see another small plane on the ground. It’s on fire and there’s a man calling for a help. It’s difficult for the children to find a place to land and they have to go round and round in circles
Активный словарь: Nouns: crack, parachute, trouble. Adjectives: rainy, stormy, sunny, windy.Adverb: always, never, so, usually.
T: Our lesson is over. Good bye! See you later!Ps: Goodbye! See you later!
Домашнее задание : A.B. ex.1 p.43
Lesson 46-47
Тема: Danger!
Цель: -To present and practice the present continuous
Организационный момент (5 минут) Teacher (T): Good morning, girls and boys! I’m very glad to see you! Sit down, please. (Показываю жестом, что нужно сесть).How are you today? How are you filling today? What date is it today? What day is it today? Who is absent?
Грамматика: Present Continuous
They’re ing.
Чтение(15 минут) P.B. p.46 Ex2. You can first explain that we use the –ing form when we talk about things that are happening now. Do one or two examples with the children and then put them into pairs to ask each other what the people are doing. As you go around the class check that they are saying the form correctly for example.
Аудирование:(10 минут) p.46 Ex1. You could begin by asking the children to close their books. They could listen to the story all the way through. You could then ask them some questions which will encourage them to produce the present continuous. Play the recording again. This time ask the children to listen to the story with their books open. Divide the class into small groups to read the story aloud together. To help them act it out, you could put prompts on the board or give the children individual cards with the words. You could also arrange the scene, with some chairs for the Adventure Car, a telephone and a box for the computer screen.
Ex3. The children should listen to the recording and guess what the people are doing from the sounds. If you haven’t already played the miming game in Before you begin now is a good time to play it.
Ex4.you could divide the class in half with one half singing the first two lines of each verse, the other half singing the next two lines and the whole class singing the final line What a beautiful day?!
Письмо графика (15 минут). Activity Book.p44 Ex1. The children need to draw a line from each sentence to the relevant person in the picture. Ex2. The children should write a complete sentence. Check they use the correct form. Ex3. Again, the children should write a complete sentence. Check they use the correct.
Активный словарь: Nouns: danger, help, wave. Verbs: answer, clean, leave, need. Preposition: towards. Pronoun: everybody.
T: Our lesson is over. Good bye! See you later!Ps: Goodbye! See you later!
Домашнее задание : A.B. ex.4,5 p.45
Lesson 48-49-50
Тема: In the city
Цель: -To practice the present continuous
-To develop the children’s sense of road safety
Организационный момент (5 минут) Teacher (T): Good morning, girls and boys! I’m very glad to see you! Sit down, please. (Показываю жестом, что нужно сесть).How are you today? How are you filling today? What date is it today? What day is it today? Who is absent?
Грамматика: It’s because
You’re ing
Чтение(15 минут) P.B. p.48 Ex2. Read through the sentences with the children and then ask them to look at the picture again. When the children have found each danger ask them what it is better to do. For example:
Never cross behind a bus. Cross at a crossing or where you can see all the road.
Never play ball games near a road.
Only one person can go on a bike.
Never let a dog free near a road.
Walk across the road- don’t run.
Ex1. Read through the list of words and check that the children understand each one. They can work in pairs for a minute or so to find the people and things. You can also ask them what other things they can see in the picture.
Ex3. The purpose here is to remind the children of aspects of road safety. The sequence of action is important here.
Ex4. If you played the miming game in sections 5A, the children will know what to do. Here, you can limit the actions to Things you do in the town. For example, walking, driving a car, listening for traffic, looking in shop windows.
Письмо графика (15 минут). Activity Book.p46 Ex1. Before you ask the children to do this exercise, it is best to ask them to look at the picture and see if they can see any strange things. They should see things such as the girls bike is missing and the woman’s car is missing. They can then draw the missing objects and write the correct numbers in the circles. Ex3. Point out that the correct way to the park collects words. The children will discover that the words form a question. They can then write their answer.
Активный словарь: Nouns: action, crossing, policeman, policewoman, road, traffic, lights.
Verbs: cross. Preposition: safely. Pronoun: across.
T: Our lesson is over. Good bye! See you later!Ps: Goodbye! See you later!
Домашнее задание : A.B. ex.2,4 p.47
4 четверть
Lesson 53
Тема: It’s coming this way!
Цель: -To present and practice the present continuous questions
Организационный момент (5 минут) Teacher (T): Good morning, girls and boys! I’m very glad to see you! Sit down, please. (Показываю жестом, что нужно сесть).How are you today? How are you filling today? What date is it today? What day is it today? Who is absent?
Грамматика: Is he/she ing?
What are you doing?
I’m ing.
Чтение(15 минут) P.B. p.51 Ex2. As an example, you can choose one picture and the children can ask you questions. You can say if it is a boy or a girl and then only answer Yes or No. the children have to guess which picture you have chosen.
Аудирование:(10 минут) p.50 Ex1. You could begin by asking the children about the story in Section 5A. This will also give them further practice with the present
Письмо графика (15 минут). Activity Book.p44 Ex1. The children need to draw a line from each sentence to the relevant person in the picture. Ex2. The children should write a complete sentence. Check they use the correct form. Ex3. Again, the children should write a complete sentence. Check they use the correct.
Активный словарь: Nouns: danger, help, wave. Verbs: answer, clean, leave, need. Preposition: towards. Pronoun: everybody.
T: Our lesson is over. Good bye! See you later!Ps: Goodbye! See you later!
Домашнее задание : A.B. ex.4,5 p.45
Lesson 54-55
Тема: Treasure!
Цель: -To develop the children’s spoken and listening fluency
-To revise language covered in earlier units
-To develop the children’s reading skills.
Организационный момент (5 минут) Teacher (T): Good morning, girls and boys! I’m very glad to see you! Sit down, please. (Показываю жестом, что нужно сесть).How are you today? How are you filling today? What date is it today? What day is it today? Who is absent?
Грамматика: Present Simple do/does
.Чтение(15 минут) P.B. p34 Ex2. The children can make a magic butterfly. To act out the story, balance lots of butterflies around one area of the classroom which is the land.
Ex3. Begin by talking about space. Ask the children what they know about Baikonur Cosmodrome. Read the text with the class. Then tell them to close their books. Say sentences from the text but in some make a mistake. The children call out Yes if the sentence is correct and No if it is wrong. To finish ask the whole class to read through the text together pointing at the words as they read.
Аудирование:(10 минут) p.34 Ex1. You could first look through the pictures with the children and ask them what they can see. You could then tell the children the story. Point at the pictures and add more details. The children can now follow the story in their books. They can then read it aloud in pairs, as a preparation for acting out.
Письмо графика (15 минут). Activity Book.p32 Ex1. You could ask the children why each word is the odd one out.
Ex3. The children look at the information and answer the questions.
Активный словарь: Nouns: butterfly, land. Verbs: control, die, grow. Adjectives: crazy, later, lost
T: Our lesson is over. Good bye! See you later!Ps: Goodbye! See you later!
Домашнее задание : A.B. ex.2,4 p.33
Тема: Unit 6. Adventure in the night.What was that?
Цель: -To develop the children’s spoken and listening fluency
-To revise language covered in earlier units
-To develop the children’s reading skills.
Организационный момент (5 минут) Teacher (T): Good morning, girls and boys! I’m very glad to see you! Sit down, please. (Показываю жестом, что нужно сесть).How are you today? How are you filling today? What date is it today? What day is it today? Who is absent?
Грамматика: Present Simple do/does
.Чтение(15 минут) P.B. p34 Ex2. The children can make a magic butterfly. To act out the story, balance lots of butterflies around one area of the classroom which is the land.
Ex3. Begin by talking about space. Ask the children what they know about Baikonur Cosmodrome. Read the text with the class. Then tell them to close their books. Say sentences from the text but in some make a mistake. The children call out Yes if the sentence is correct and No if it is wrong. To finish ask the whole class to read through the text together pointing at the words as they read.
Аудирование:(10 минут) p.34 Ex1. You could first look through the pictures with the children and ask them what they can see. You could then tell the children the story. Point at the pictures and add more details. The children can now follow the story in their books. They can then read it aloud in pairs, as a preparation for acting out.
Письмо графика (15 минут). Activity Book.p32 Ex1. You could ask the children why each word is the odd one out.
Ex3. The children look at the information and answer the questions.
Активный словарь: Nouns: butterfly, land. Verbs: control, die, grow. Adjectives: crazy, later, lost
T: Our lesson is over. Good bye! See you later!Ps: Goodbye! See you later!
Домашнее задание : A.B. ex.2,4 p.33
Lesson 59-60
Тема: In the night!
Цель: -To learn the names of the month
-To practice present simple questions
Организационный момент (5 минут) Teacher (T): Good morning, girls and boys! I’m very glad to see you! Sit down, please. (Показываю жестом, что нужно сесть).How are you today? How are you filling today? What date is it today? What day is it today? Who is absent?
Грамматика: When is ?
Why do ?
.Чтение(15 минут) P.B. p.39 Ex3. The children do this exercise in pairs. You can then ask volunteers for their answers.
Ex4. Read through the questions with the children and then ask them to read silently to find their answers. You could ask them to compare their answers in pairs before you through them.
Ex5. The children can brainstorm some questions with you about each of the animals. As they produce a question, make sure they write it down correctly. They should then try to find the answers outside the class for the next lesson or next week.
Аудирование:(10 минут) p.38 Ex1. Play the recording which simply says the names of the months. The children should point to each month as it is said and repeat the word. To prepare them for Exercise 2, you can then ask them about the order of the months. For example, What month comes after May? What months comes before December? And so on. You could also combine this with revising numbers, for example, What is month six? What is month nine?
Ex2. Play the recording and get the children to say the chant. The chant is circular- when you get to the end you can start again!
Письмо графика (15 минут). Activity Book.p38 Ex1. The names of the months are all in order. The children should colour each name a different colour
Ex3. The children write their answers to the questions..
Активный словарь: Nouns: months, of the year, Africa, beak, birthday, Europe, holiday, month salmon, turtle, whole, world. Adverbs: after, all, over, before.
T: Our lesson is over. Good bye! See you later!Ps: Goodbye! See you later!
Домашнее задание : A.B. ex.2,4 p.39
Lesson 61
Тема: Don’t touch
Цель: -To develop a productive ability with present simple questions.
Организационный момент (5 минут) Teacher (T): Good morning, girls and boys! I’m very glad to see you! Sit down, please. (Показываю жестом, что нужно сесть).How are you today? How are you filling today? What date is it today? What day is it today? Who is absent?
Грамматика: Nouns: family, glove, helmet, jacket.
Verbs: go back, work.
Adjectives: famous, late, quick.
.Чтение(15 минут) P.B. p.37 Ex2. Read through the examples and the table with the children. You can do one or two examples with them first so that they get the idea. Choose an animal and get them to ask you questions. Insist on the correct use of do. The children can now work in pairs to take it in turns to ask each other questions and guess. The children could choose some other animals not in the table. You could play this as a short game. Choose one child to begin. The other children ask him/ her questions. The child who guesses the animal correctly has the next turn. Ask all the children to think of an animal before you start the game so that they don’t spend time choosing an animal when they win.
Аудирование:(10 минут) p.36 Ex1. If you have pictures of some swallows, you could show them to the children. Point out their distinctive tails and ask if they know those birds. The children can have their books open or closed or you can give them a choice. Play the recording twice and then ask the children a few brief questions about the story. Divide the class into small groups to read the story aloud together. Then to help them act it out you could put prompts on the board or give them individual cards with the words. You could also arrange the different locations with a TV or box for Leo’s house and some chairs for the Adventure Car. You could ask some children to make sound effects for the storm.
Письмо графика (15 минут). Activity Book.p36 Ex1. The children compare the two pictures and write about the differences.
Ex3. The questions in Exercise 2 give the children examples of questions that they.
Активный словарь: Nouns: family, glove, helmet, jacket. Verbs: go back, work. Adjectives: famous, late, quick
T: Our lesson is over. Good bye! See you later!Ps: Goodbye! See you later!
Домашнее задание : A.B. ex.2,4 p.37
Lesson 62-63
Тема: Marvin the wizard
Цель: -To develop the children’s spoken and listening fluency
-To revise language covered in earlier units
-To develop the children’s reading skills
Организационный момент (5 минут) Teacher (T): Good morning, girls and boys! I’m very glad to see you! Sit down, please. (Показываю жестом, что нужно сесть).How are you today? How are you filling today? What date is it today? What day is it today? Who is absent?
Грамматика: Let me go!
Чтение(15 минут) P.B. p.43 Ex2. Act out the story. The children can make a voice changer. To act out the story, children could dress up as aliens if you have some clothes available.
Ex3. Read with Alina. Begin by asking the children what they know about eagles. Ask them where eagles live in Kazakhstan. Read the text with the class. Then tell them to close their books. Say sentences from the text, but in some make a mistake. The children call out Yes if the sentence is correct No if it is wrong. Alternatively the children can do this in pairs, taking it in turns to say wrong sentences to their partner. To finish ask the whole class to read through the text together pointing at the words as they read.
Аудирование:(10 минут) p.42 Ex1. Before you ask the children to look at the story, you could draw a flying saucer on the board. Ask them what they think it is and teach them flying saucer. Ask them if they think there are people on other planets. You can then introduce the story by saying. Before playing the recording you could tell the children the story. Point at the pictures and add more details. The children can now follow the story in their books. They can then read it aloud in pairs as a preparation for acting out.
Письмо графика (15 минут). Activity Book.p42 Ex1. See the teaching notes for activity book section 2d, a mountain adventure, on Teacher’s Book page 23. In this story the children are in a plane. Suddenly they see another small plane on the ground. It’s on fire and there’s a man calling for a help. It’s difficult for the children to find a place to land and they have to go round and round in circles
Активный словарь: Nouns: crack, parachute, trouble. Adjectives: rainy, stormy, sunny, windy.Adverb: always, never, so, usually.
T: Our lesson is over. Good bye! See you later!Ps: Goodbye! See you later!
Домашнее задание : A.B. ex.1 p.43
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