күнделікті сабақ жоспары Helping and heroes 6 сынып


Ұстаз тілегі сайтында материал жариялап тегін сертификат, алғыс хат және құрмет грамотасын алуға болады. Ол үшін сайтқа тіркеліп материал жариялау керек. Сайт бойынша барлық сұрақтарды 8-771-234-5599 номеріне ватсап арқылы қоюға болады

Бағыты: Шет тілі Бөлімі: Сабақ жоспары Сыныбы: 6 сынып

UNIT: Helping and heroes.
Lesson: Firefighters School: Secondary school named after T. Zhurgenov Date:14.03.2018 Teacher name: Serim. Z.A CLASS: 6 Number present absent: Learning objectives 6R1 Understand the main points in a growing range of short, simple texts in general and curricular topics;
6.S7 Use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about limited range of general topics and some curricular topics;
6W1undestand the main points in a growing range of short,
simple texts on general and curricular topics;
6U3 use adjectives including possessive adjectives on a growing range and some curricular topics to describe thinks; Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
to read and understand the main idea of the topic;
to say a few sentences about topic using new subject-specific vocabulary with support;
to write sentences/essay about with support;
to write simple sentences using adjectives according to the topic; Most learners will be able to:
to discuss the main idea of the text;
to read and retell the text with little support;
make up and answer the 5-6 questions;
to write an essay with little support; Some learners will be able to:
to give own opinion on the topic;
write short essay without support; Previous learning Our class, adjectives Plan Planned timings Planned activities Resources 1min Org.moment. Greeting. 2min Warm up activity.
-(WI) Look at the picture. What can you say about them?

-Choose the correct adjectives that you can describe the picture.
(W)Activity 1 Rigth there

FA- smiles PPT


2 min Lead-in. Prediction
T — There are many heroes who (helps, rescues, saves) does feat every day but we do know their names and faces. Do you know such people?

Teacher presents the lesson objectives on the active board.
3min (FA) (W/I) Pre-teaching vocabulary. Drilling, repeating.
Community to be aware heroic responsibility brave coward

Activity 2 (G)Think-Pair- Share
-Try to write synonyms for these words
FA Handout


15min (G)Reading. Dividing pupils into 3 groups by puzzles.
There are many professions in the world and all of them are important to the community .One of the most dangerous and heroic professions in the world is a firefighter. If you are going to choose this job, you should be aware of all it dangers and responsibilities. They are the people who our life depend on. The work of the firefighter is one of the most heroic and respectful professions. How many people in our country have been killed by the fire. Only firefighters stand against the fire. This is their job and their duty. A coward will ot work as a firefighter, only heroes can do it.
Read the text individually.
Discuss the main idea of the text in pairs.
Complete the diagram and present it to other group.

QAR. Right there

(G) Activity 4. True or False
1. Firefighter profession is not dangerous.
2. People respect this job.
3.Many people die by the fire.
1. For the 1st correct statement-1point
2. For the 2nd correct statement-2points
3. For the 3rd correct statement-3points

(W)Activity 5. Post reading Hot seat


(Writing) 10min Writing a short essay on the theme My hero


All learners will be able:
Writing essay with worksheets
Most learners will be able:
Writing essay with little support
Some learners will be able:
Writing essay without support

FA-Good job!

worksheet End

2min Actvity3 Venn diagramme

Firefighter + businessman
Lesson I am at the lesson Result
1.interesting 1.work 1.understood
2.boring 2.relax 2.learnt more
3.dont care 3.help 3.dont understand Additionalinformation Differentiation how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able
learners? Assessment how are you planning to check learners learning? Cross-curricular links Health and safety check ICT links Values links All learners will be able:
Writing essay with worksheets
Most learners will be able:
Writing essay with little support
Some learners will be able:
Writing essay without support

Finger assessment
Self-assessment History
PE Reflection
Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.
Summary evaluation



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